Unicore Group Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to all sites that are part of the Unicore Group holding (hereinafter – “Holding“). In some cases, “Unicore Group” (hereinafter referred to as the “Site“) reserves the right to publish separate notes for some products, as well as change the Privacy Policy at its discretion.

The services and sites of the Holding may contain links to other sites – this is done for the convenience of users (hereinafter referred to as the “User“). We are not responsible for the content of these sites. If you have questions related to the Site Policy, you can write to [email protected] for clarification. This Privacy Policy applies only to sites and media resources owned by the Holding.

Collection and Use of Personal Data

When the User uses the services of the Holding, the User’s data is processed, namely:

data that remains in the process of using the services


ip addresses

parameters and settings of Internet browsers (User-agent).

The Holding collects only those personal data that you, as a subject, knowingly and voluntarily provided in order to use the services of the Holding, which, in accordance with the requirements of the law, is the subject’s consent to the processing of his personal data in accordance with the purpose of their processing formulated in this Policy.

The Holding does not collect any information regarding the processing of which certain requirements are established by law, such as information on racial or ethnic origin, political, religious or ideological beliefs, membership in political parties and trade unions, convictions to criminal punishment for committing a crime or conviction punishment, as well as data related to health, sexuality, biometric or genetic data.

The Holding collects information about the statistics of visits to the Site. They may contain the following information:



User Browser

Date, time, duration of work on the Internet and stay on the Site.

Processing and Storage of Personal Data

The processing and storage of the provided personal data is carried out in data centers where equipment is located that ensures the functioning of the Site services. The provided personal data is processed and can be stored in the personal data base or in a separate table in the Site database. Personal data is stored for no longer than is necessary for the purpose of processing it.

Use of Personal Data

Your personal data can be used to provide the services of the Site, exchange information, relations in the field of advertising and communication in accordance with and in compliance with international laws, including but not exclusively: “On the protection of personal data”, “On the ratification of the Convention on the Protection of persons in connection with the automated processing of personal data and the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Protection of Persons in Connection with the Automated Processing of Personal Data with regard to supervisory authorities and cross-border data flows”, “On Information”, “On Advertising”, “On Telecommunications”, “On Protection Information in Information and Telecommunication Systems”, “On State Support of Mass Media and Social Protection of Journalists”, as well as in accordance with the Website Use Rules and other acts regulating the activities of the Holding.

Use of Cookies

The holding uses cookies. Thanks to this, the Site can provide its services to the Users, to ensure that the services of the Holding are available. A cookie is a piece of data from the Site that you visit and that is stored on your computer.

How the Holding uses cookies:

Cookie for statistics: The Holding uses several systems to collect statistics in order to know what exactly the User is reading. Based on this data, you can find out the audience size. The holding collects statistics through partners – Google Analytics.

Advertising: The Holding uses advertising display systems (Google DFP) in order to show the User contextual advertising that would correspond to his interests.

How to disable the use of cookies: The user can disable them in the security settings of their browser. If this is done, then some of the services of the Holding may stop working, or not work correctly.

Interaction of the Site with Other Resources

Links to other resources and third parties may be located on the pages of the Site. This means that these resources, or third parties, can obtain User data. Other resources on the Site may be:

banner display systems (for example, DoubleClick for Publishers, Admixer, AdRiver and others)

social networking plugins (eg, Discus, Facebook, Twitter).

The use of these services of the Holding is necessary for the operational analysis of Site visits, internal and external assessment of Site traffic, viewing depth, and User activity. The Holding does not store or process the data received from these services. Accordingly, if the User, for any reason, does not want these services to gain access to his personal data, the User can, at his own request, clear the cookies, or disable them (through his browser).

Protection of Personal Information

The Holding uses generally accepted standards for technological and operational protection of information and personal data from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. However, despite all efforts, the Holding cannot guarantee absolute security against any threats arising outside the regulation of the Holding and the Website.

The Holding ensures the application of all relevant confidentiality obligations, as well as technical and organizational security measures to prevent unauthorized or illegal disclosure, or processing of such information and data, their accidental loss, destruction or damage.

Providing Access to the User’s Personal Data

The provision of the User’s personal data to third parties is determined by the terms of the consent of the subject provided to the owner of the personal data for the processing of this data, or in accordance with the requirements of the law.

Terms of Use of the Resources of the Holding

The Administration of the Holding determines the rules of conduct on it and reserves the right to demand their implementation from visitors.

All rights to any materials posted on the Site of the Holding are protected in accordance with international legislation on copyright and related rights.

The Site Administration is not responsible for the content of advertising materials and informational articles.

The Site Administration does not bear any responsibility for losses incurred as a result of the use or non-use of its information and services.